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Coronavirus and travelling in 2020

posted 31-1-2020 @ 01:39 PM www
Coronavirus and travelling in 2020

What is everyone thinking about the coronavirus, are you still travelling overseas in 2020? Looking at the list of countries affected the virus is getting quite widespread. Looking like an aussie destination this year, even though I love giving my passport a work out

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posted 31-1-2020 @ 02:00 PM www

Certainly has to be on our minds. Mind you traveling within Australia is not safe either. Airports, airplane? Let's hope and pray they get answers and a solution to this problem soon for everyones sake.
posted 31-1-2020 @ 02:08 PM www

I'm off to Taiwan in May, likely to be transiting through Malaysia, Hong Kong and also will spend time in Japan.

Hopefully things have settled by then and they know more about it, it'll likely be widespread through Australia by then anyhow (they already think an entire plane load of people may have it). My kids were one of the first in Australia to get Swine flu in 2009, the family who brought it to Australia were in my twins year level at school, they shut down the schools and quarantined people, but it was too late. I was 41 weeks pregnant when I got it. It killed over 200k people in 2009. Good hygiene, nutrition and general good health are the only things that will help., unless you plan on never leaving your house and interacting with no one.
posted 31-1-2020 @ 02:48 PM www

I don't have any overseas travel lined up this year which I am glad of at the moment with the escalation of the virus.

But yes it can be just as dangerous to be sitting on a plane on a domestic flight. Just hoping it will be brought under control! :(
posted 31-1-2020 @ 03:38 PM www

I'm supposed to be flying Gold Coast to Sydney next weekend for a 3 day cruise. Not sure what to do.
posted 31-1-2020 @ 03:46 PM www

My daughter and her BFF will be flying the nest in 26 days for the first time on her own and going to South Korea and studying in Japan for a semester. I found some heavy duty masks yesterday but she said she won't wear them.

It's scary for sure
posted 31-1-2020 @ 04:11 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by ihope2win  
My daughter and her BFF will be flying the nest in 26 days for the first time on her own and going to South Korea and studying in Japan for a semester. I found some heavy duty masks yesterday but she said she won't wear them.

It's scary for sure
she will probably look more out of place without one, my understanding of the Japanese is they wear a mask whatever illness they get as they are considerate enough to not spread it, and it’s commonplace for them to have a mask on.

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 31-1-2020 @ 04:44 PM www

The United States has launched a stern level 4 travel warning to citizens, saying they should not travel to China amid the coronavirus epidemic. 781e52b938f

posted 31-1-2020 @ 05:32 PM www

I'm booked to go to China in May..... :o:o:o:o Don't think that will be happening....
posted 31-1-2020 @ 05:46 PM www

I'm booked on a China tour departing 13th April. Highly likely it will be cancelled.:grind:
posted 31-1-2020 @ 07:48 PM www

I am booked on a half world cruise from Dover on July 2nd, and having a month beforehand in England. Have not yet paid the final payment on the cruise. Hubby is getting very jittery.
posted 31-1-2020 @ 07:51 PM www

It took them 6 months to get the Sars under control. We have booked a rip to Vietnam/Cambodia in September, so hopefully it will be OK well before then

Sue Dwyer
posted 31-1-2020 @ 08:12 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by Dreama  
I'm supposed to be flying Gold Coast to Sydney next weekend for a 3 day cruise. Not sure what to do.
I think you'll be ok.
posted 31-1-2020 @ 08:39 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by flindy1  
I'm booked to go to China in May..... :o:o:o:o Don't think that will be happening....

So sad for you because China is an amazing place to visit. We were there in 2014 and I loved it.
posted 31-1-2020 @ 08:40 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by Dreama  
I'm supposed to be flying Gold Coast to Sydney next weekend for a 3 day cruise. Not sure what to do.

I wouldn't even worry about that, no biggie!
posted 31-1-2020 @ 10:04 PM www

Less than 3 weeks and I'm off to Singapore. I've been monitoring (stalking, obsessing, glued-to) the info pages. I finally got some of the recommended masks today and I'll definitely be wearing them. A notification on the airline website said they also will supply masks and antiseptic hand wash for any passengers who want them. Yep, worried here :sniffle:
posted 31-1-2020 @ 10:13 PM www

Qantas is preparing to evacuate Australians.
posted 31-1-2020 @ 11:46 PM www

You need to be aware then once the government issues any instructions to not travel to a particular area and you still do, your travel insurance may not be valid....

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 1-2-2020 @ 12:31 AM www

Measures to stop the spread of ‘pandemic’ coronavirus outbreak
Countries are taking drastic measures to stop the spread of coronavirus as the outbreak takes on ‘pandemic’ proportions. 73da1b8ee9a

posted 1-2-2020 @ 02:34 AM www

Quote: Originally posted by damita30  
Quote: Originally posted by Dreama  
I'm supposed to be flying Gold Coast to Sydney next weekend for a 3 day cruise. Not sure what to do.

I wouldn't even worry about that, no biggie!

Last Friday I flew Brisbane-Cairns to attend my friend's funeral at short notice. I was astounded at the number of people at both airports coughing and sneezing and not covering their faces in any form of hygiene manner, including on the plane but at that stage was not particularly concerned because Coronavirus was only detected in NSW. I stayed in a motel and was kept awake one night with people in the adjacent room coughing consistently. I wore a mask, provided by motel staff, whenever I was in the vicinity of coughing people any time I was out. On the return flight yesterday there was a noticeable difference in the number of people, including more staff, wearing masks at the airports and during the flight. On my right I had a man sneezing and on my left 2 people were coughing consistently.

Being severely immune compromised I wore a mask and gloves and had my usual glasses on. The gloves were more to remind me not to touch my face and I still washed my hands thoroughly and frequently during the 11 hours in transit to get to a rural regional town. Today I had to visit a couple of businesses and many people were coughing/sneezing with zero concern for hygiene measures.

Definitely get some P2 masks, if you can source them, then you have the option of wearing them if people are coughing around you. I had also purchased clear eye goggles to carry in hand luggage but did not resort to using them over my glasses. Cairns had sold out of masks. Just getting a head cold when travelling is nuisance enough so I recommend protecting yourself from that as a minimum.

Coronavirus research is still unfolding information on human to human contamination so if you are immune compromised I highly recommend you take extra precautions.
posted 1-2-2020 @ 11:41 AM www

Quote: Originally posted by enchantedspirit  
You need to be aware then once the government issues any instructions to not travel to a particular area and you still do, your travel insurance may not be valid....

Great advice, thanks enchantedspirit
posted 1-2-2020 @ 11:47 AM www

Quote: Originally posted by jen38  
What is everyone thinking about the coronavirus, are you still travelling overseas in 2020? Looking at the list of countries affected the virus is getting quite widespread. Looking like an aussie destination this year, even though I love giving my passport a work out

A mouth watering media frenzy. Just waiting for the climate change link and the pandemic of panic will be complete. Not worried at all.
posted 1-2-2020 @ 07:26 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by enchantedspirit  
You need to be aware then once the government issues any instructions to not travel to a particular area and you still do, your travel insurance may not be valid....

Your travel insurance is usually valid if purchased before the declaration is made. It generally means you can't be covered if purchasing insurance after the un-insurable event is declared by the insurer.
posted 1-2-2020 @ 09:19 PM www

I wonder if Europe air fares will go down in price?

posted 1-2-2020 @ 10:45 PM www

Lots of people coughing is the result of bushfire smoke inhalation.
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