Big Brother 2021 (spoiler alerts ) |
posted 26-4-2021 @ 10:17 PM
Big Brother 2021 (spoiler alerts )
Is anyone watching it?
I like the house, looks really good, both in and out
Haven't got a house mate that I like yet
The housemates
Facebook link
posted 26-4-2021 @ 11:01 PM
Liked how they eliminated the alfa male straight away. My son knows Mitch the guy with the mo.
Sue Dwyer
posted 26-4-2021 @ 11:09 PM
I like Melissa.... a country chick with three littlies ... |
posted 26-4-2021 @ 11:09 PM
Yes that was good, will be interesting when the other eight people come in the house
posted 27-4-2021 @ 02:32 PM
Think voting someone off when you didn't have to will come back to bite him and too be honest I must say I'm not a huge fan of his already. He's gunna
drive me nuts. |
posted 27-4-2021 @ 08:56 PM
OMG the hiding of the sheep challenge for Melissa was so funny
posted 27-4-2021 @ 09:10 PM
Agree WhitePointer and how funny is that flight. |
posted 27-4-2021 @ 09:20 PM
a lot more turbulence required
Interesting that they are not showing who people are voting for
posted 28-6-2021 @ 09:42 PM
Down to the last four, who do you want in the top three?
Marley was the winner from the challenge and has to choose as to who will be with him in the top three, he has to evict one of them tonight?
Who you want gone? I want Ari to stay in the top three
Ari, christina, or Esjay
OMG NO ARI Was Evicted
posted 28-6-2021 @ 10:06 PM
You decide who wins
Marley, christina, or Esjay
posted 29-6-2021 @ 12:57 AM
About the Voting Service
1. These Terms and Conditions govern the live voting service (“Voting Service”) for Big Brother
(Australia) 2021 (“Program”). Registering to vote for a nominated Program contestant
(“Housemate”) using the Voting Service is deemed acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
2. Information on ‘How to Vote’ (broadcast during the Program, on the Program Website and
otherwise published by the Program’s producer Endemol Shine Australia Pty Limited (“ESA”)
and/or the Program’s broadcaster Seven Network (Operations) Limited (“Seven”)) forms part of
these Terms and Conditions.
3. A number of Housemates will compete with each other in the Program to be the winner of the
4. Voting is open to all residents of Australia who are 15 years old or over at the time of voting, or
who are under 15 years old but have parental/guardian consent to vote.
5. Voting on the Voting Service is only available to individuals using an Australian IP address.
6. ESA reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel voting for the Program at any time for any
Voting Period
7. Voting during the eviction/nomination period will open at times as advertised by ESA and/or
Seven (“Voting Period”). The Voting Period will only be open during the times stipulated by ESA
and/or Seven and shall not be carried over into any other period unless advised otherwise.
8. The Voting Period will consist of a single ‘voting event’ which will commence at a specified time
at the end of Seven’s first broadcast of episode 30 of the Program and close at a specified time
, approximately prior to the fifth advertising break during Seven’s first broadcast of episode 31
of the Program.
9. The Voting Period is subject to changes notified at ESA’s and Seven’s discretion.
10. It is the responsibility of each voter to ensure they lodge their vote within the Voting Period.
Maximum Number of Votes
11. Voters may only cast one (1) vote per email address during the Voting Period.
Voting Mechanics
12. Voters may cast a vote by
a) visiting the Big Brother website at (“Program Website”);
b) clicking on the Voting Service and registering to vote by providing their full name, email
address, age, gender and postcode; and
c) using the Voting Service to select the Housemate they wish to vote for.
13. ESA, Seven and their agents and contractors engaged in relation to the Voting Service (“Related
Parties”), accept no responsibility for any late, lost or misdirected votes due to technical
disruptions, network congestion, network failures or for any other reason.
14. ESA and Seven are not responsible for any technical faults, defects or other issues that result in
the failure of the functionality described above being properly executed on the Voting Service
on the Program Website.
15. ESA, Seven and the Related Parties will not accept responsibility for any attempted votes
received outside of the Voting Period.
Voting Results
16. ESA, Seven and the Related Partiesreserve the right to keep all voting results confidential. Other
than the voting results required to maintain the format of the Program, voting results will not
be made available to the public.
17. ESA, Seven and the Related Parties reserve the right at their discretion to invalidate, discount or
disqualify any votes (or individuals lodging votes) that they believe:
a) tamper with, or attempt to tamper with, the Voting Service and/or process;
b) corrupt or impact, or attempt to corrupt or impact, the administration, security, fairness
or integrity or proper conduct of any of the Program, the Voting Service and/or the
c) may have been submitted via an automated process or any other mechanical or electronic
means that permit the user to automatically vote repeatedly, including but not limited to
computer modems, programs, scripts or any other means other than the Voting Service
specified in these Terms and Conditions; or
d) were lodged in breach of any of these Terms and Conditions.
18. ESA’s legal rights to recover damages or other compensation from disqualified individuals are
19. In the event that there is a tied result, ESA will determine the manner in which the final outcome
will be decided and judged.
20. Voters understand that Housemates may be evicted or disqualified from the Program at any
time and that should a Housemate be evicted, disqualified or otherwise unable to participate in
the Program for any reason, any votes for that Housemate will cease to apply.
21. If for any reason the Voting Service is not capable of running as planned, due to causes including
but not limited to tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failures or any other
causes beyond the control of ESA or Seven, which corrupt or affect the administration, security,
fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Voting Service, ESA and Seven reserve the right to
take any action that may be available to reach a final voting result from any and all legitimate
voting data available or by any other means ESA or Seven deem appropriate.
General Terms
22. All votes lodged using the Voting Service become the property of Seven.
23. Voters may incur data and/or Internet charges through their telecommunications or Internet
service provider as a result of accessing the Program Website. Any such charges are the
responsibility of the voter.
24. By registering to vote, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information in
accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Seven’s Privacy Statement and ESA’s Privacy
Collection Statement.
25. Except for liability that cannot be excluded by law, ESA (including its officers, employees and
agents) and Seven exclude all liability for personal injury, loss and damage (including loss of
opportunity) whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of any
individual’s use of the Voting Service, including arising from any change to the scheduling of the
Voting Service or broadcast times of any part of the Program (scheduled or unscheduled), or
any error, interruption, fault, delay or other defect or failure related to any telecommunications
line or network.
26. ESA reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time throughout the Voting
Period and the Program.
27. These Terms and Conditions are governed exclusively by the laws of the State of New South
"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .
MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~
I'm unsure of my mood right now!
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Fear is False Evidence About Reality
Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!
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chair!? RIP Duane
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posted 29-6-2021 @ 03:01 PM
I'll be voting for SJ, she has been very entertaining, more so than Marley who maybe a nice guy as they keep saying but not much personality. I would
have voted for Danny if not evicted - he is probably the most disliked contestant but he made the show very interesting and very funny. Christina has
done well to stay in and get to the finals, I hope she gets runner-up after SJ. Marley can be next Bachelor  |
posted 29-6-2021 @ 04:09 PM
Marley to win, Christina 2nd with SJ 3rd. |