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Message to members when reporting threads that need amending or other

posted 1-9-2022 @ 08:34 PM www
Message to members when reporting threads that need amending or other

Please don't ever think your in trouble when you receive this message in your inbox, majority of the time its just letting you know that information needs to be updated.

Admin, moderators and the original poster receive a copy of the reported post so anyone of the three can update the information that is required.

Threads that are usually reported -

such as:

Extending close dates
Adding urls
Adding additional information
Competitions not allowed to be posted
Inappropriate threads
Duplicate competition threads

Admin and moderators thank all members for keeping Lottos running smoothly and up to date for all members to enjoy.

Just a tip once a competition has already gone into the expired section, the original poster of that thread, cannot extend the close date or move it out of the expired section, only admin and moderators can make these changes for that thread.

Thanks all and happy comping

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