Jacobs Creek Purchase A 750 ml bottle from an Independent Liquor Store To Win $1000 Hourly As Well as 1 of 13 Hosting Packs |
posted 19-1-2024 @ 08:04 PM
Jacobs Creek Purchase A 750 ml bottle from an Independent Liquor Store To Win $1000 Hourly As Well as 1 of 13 Hosting Packs Entry methods: Online, Alcohol Purchase, Freq: Other, Instant Win, Closes 02/04/2024
Enter: https://www.winning-drinks.com/jacobscreeksummer2024/ Rules: https://www.winning-drinks.com/jacobscreeksummer2024/terms
Jacob's Creek Summer
Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd ABN 75 007 870 046, 167 Fullarton Rd, Dulwich, SA 5065, Australia. Ph: 1300 363 153
For any inquiries regarding this Promotion, please contact the Promoter on pernodcustomersupport@handlingmatters.com.au or 1300 363 153
Promotional Period:
Start date: 02/01/24 at 09:00 am AEDT
End date: 02/04/24 at 11:59 pm AEDT
Eligible entrants:
Entry is only open to Australian residents who are 18 years and over.
How to Enter:
To enter the Promotion, the entrant must complete the following steps during the Promotional Period:
a) purchase any Jacob's Creek 750ml from any independent retailer in Australia displaying advertising for this Promotion ("Participating Venues");
b) visit jacobscreek.com/en-au/summer-drops, follow the prompts to the Promotion entry page; and fully complete and submit the online entry form
with their personal details (first name, last name, date of birth, email address, mobile number and state/territory of residence), upload a scanned
copy or photo of the purchase receipt for the qualifying transaction and sign up to the Jacob’s Creek database (if they have not done so already).
Entrants will be notified immediately on screen upon entry form submission if they have won a Winning Moment Prize, subject to verification.
Proof of Purchase: The entrant must retain proof of purchase. The proof of purchase required is an original receipt for the qualifying transaction.
The entrant must fill out the online entry form for every entry.
Entries permitted:
Multiple entries permitted subject to the following:
a) limit one (1) entry permitted per qualifying transaction;
b) maximum of one (1) entry permitted per person each day; and
c) each entry must be submitted separately and in accordance with the entry instructions above.
The entrant is eligible to win a maximum of one (1) prize (excludes SA residents).
Total Prize Pool:
Up to AUD $2,220,027.37
Prize Description
Number of this prize
Value (per prize)
Winning Method
Draw Prize: The prize is a Hosting Pack which includes the following:
· 1 x Robert Gordon - Terra Dinner Set (RRP: $369.60)
· 1 x Robert Gordon - Table of Plenty - Oval Platter (RRP: $49.95)
· 1 x Robert Gordon - Table of Plenty - Long Platter (RRP: $49.95)
· 2 x Kip & Co - Rose with a Twist - Tumbler Set (2pc) (RRP: $49.00)
· 2 x Kip & Co - Rose with a Twist - Coupe Set (2pc) (RRP: $59.00)
· 2 x Kip & Co - Rose with a Twist - Vino Set (2pc) (RRP: $59.00)
· 1 x Kip & Co - Rio Floral Cooler Bag (RRP: $80.00)
· 1 x Huski Wine Cooler - Brushed Stainless (RRP: $89.99)
· 2 x Spotify – 12 month subscription vouchers (RRP: $72.00)
· 1 x $500 Coles Gift Card (RRP: $500.00).
(1 prize per draw)
Winning Moment Prize: The prize is a $1,000.00 Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard®.
posted 19-1-2024 @ 08:35 PM
FYI - participating stores listed and also on map here:
Winning moment is a 3 second period every hour.
posted 19-1-2024 @ 08:43 PM
2199 prizes available valued at $2,199,000 yet obviously don’t expect many to be won.
In the event that a minimum of 20 x Winning Moment Prizes have not been awarded throughout the Promotion, any remaining Winning Moment Prizes (up to
the value of $20,000) will be entered into the Unclaimed Prize Draw.
posted 19-1-2024 @ 09:13 PM
Yep saw this in-store a few days ago. Not getting a purchase from me. Winning moment arghhh! |
posted 19-1-2024 @ 10:53 PM
Some promotional advertising genius thought up "winning moment" and it works brilliantly for everyone EXCEPT the customer who's buying the product.
Oh the poor unsuspecting public, who have no idea... |
posted 19-1-2024 @ 11:58 PM
Terms and Conditions
Jacob's Creek Summer
Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd ABN 75 007 870 046, 167 Fullarton Rd, Dulwich, SA 5065, Australia. Ph: 1300 363 153
For any inquiries regarding this Promotion, please contact the Promoter on pernodcustomersupport@handlingmatters.com.au or 1300 363 153
Promotional Period:
Start date: 02/01/24 at 09:00 am AEDT
End date: 02/04/24 at 11:59 pm AEDT
Eligible entrants:
Entry is only open to Australian residents who are 18 years and over.
How to Enter:
To enter the Promotion, the entrant must complete the following steps during the Promotional Period:
a) purchase any Jacob's Creek 750ml from any independent retailer in Australia displaying advertising for this Promotion ("Participating Venues");
b) visit jacobscreek.com/en-au/summer-drops, follow the prompts to the Promotion entry page; and fully complete and submit the online entry form
with their personal details (first name, last name, date of birth, email address, mobile number and state/territory of residence), upload a scanned
copy or photo of the purchase receipt for the qualifying transaction and sign up to the Jacob’s Creek database (if they have not done so already).
Entrants will be notified immediately on screen upon entry form submission if they have won a Winning Moment Prize, subject to verification.
Proof of Purchase: The entrant must retain proof of purchase. The proof of purchase required is an original receipt for the qualifying transaction.
The entrant must fill out the online entry form for every entry.
Entries permitted:
Multiple entries permitted subject to the following:
a) limit one (1) entry permitted per qualifying transaction;
b) maximum of one (1) entry permitted per person each day; and
c) each entry must be submitted separately and in accordance with the entry instructions above.
The entrant is eligible to win a maximum of one (1) prize (excludes SA residents).
Total Prize Pool:
Up to AUD $2,220,027.37
Prize Description
Number of this prize
Value (per prize)
Winning Method
Draw Prize: The prize is a Hosting Pack which includes the following:
· 1 x Robert Gordon - Terra Dinner Set (RRP: $369.60)
· 1 x Robert Gordon - Table of Plenty - Oval Platter (RRP: $49.95)
· 1 x Robert Gordon - Table of Plenty - Long Platter (RRP: $49.95)
· 2 x Kip & Co - Rose with a Twist - Tumbler Set (2pc) (RRP: $49.00)
· 2 x Kip & Co - Rose with a Twist - Coupe Set (2pc) (RRP: $59.00)
· 2 x Kip & Co - Rose with a Twist - Vino Set (2pc) (RRP: $59.00)
· 1 x Kip & Co - Rio Floral Cooler Bag (RRP: $80.00)
· 1 x Huski Wine Cooler - Brushed Stainless (RRP: $89.99)
· 2 x Spotify – 12 month subscription vouchers (RRP: $72.00)
· 1 x $500 Coles Gift Card (RRP: $500.00).
(1 prize per draw)
Draws: computerised random selection - 12:00 pm AEDT, on 09/01/2024, 16/01/2024, 23/01/2024, 30/01/2024, 06/02/2024, 13/02/2024, 20/02/2024,
27/02/2024, 05/03/2024, 12/03/2024, 19/03/2024, 26/03/2024 and 03/04/2024.
Winning Moment Prize: The prize is a $1,000.00 Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard®.
Up to a maximum of 2,199 prizes to be awarded
Winning Moment
Prize Conditions:
Gift Card/Voucher Prizes:
Any ancillary costs associated with redeeming the voucher/gift card are not included. Any unused balance of the voucher/gift card will not be awarded
as cash. Redemption of the voucher/gift card is subject to any terms and conditions of the issuer including those specified on the voucher/gift card.
Vault Pays enabled Prepaid Mastercard Prizes:
Any ancillary costs associated with redeeming the Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard are not included. The Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard
must be activated within 2 months of issue and is valid for 12 months after activation. At expiry of the Vault Pays-enabled Mastercard any unused
balance will be forfeited. We will not give you notice prior to expiry. Card expiry and balance can be found on your mobile device in your digital
wallet. The Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard is issued by EML Payment Solutions Limited (ABN 30 131 436 532) AFSL 404131 pursuant to license by
Mastercard. See www.vaultps.com.au/terms for terms and conditions. Mastercard and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International
Winner notification:
Draw Prize winners will be contacted by email and phone within seven (7) days of the corresponding draw. The winners of each draw will be published at
jacobscreek.com/en-au/summer-drops within 14 days of the corresponding draw; and Winning Moment Prize winners will be published at the same website by
Winning Moment Prize winners will be notified immediately, subject to verification.
Unclaimed Prizes:
Draw Prizes must be claimed by 04/06/24 at 12:00 pm AEST. In the event that a minimum of 20 x Winning Moment Prizes have not been awarded throughout
the Promotion, any remaining Winning Moment Prizes (up to the value of $20,000) will be entered into the Unclaimed Prize Draw. In the event of an
unclaimed Draw Prize and unclaimed Winning Moment Prize, the prize/s will be redrawn on 04/06/24 at 12:00 pm AEST at Handling Matters, Unit 40, 1-5
Thew Parade, CROMER, Sydney NSW 2099, Australia. The winners of the redraw will be notified by email and phone within seven (7) days of the redraw.
The winners will be notified publicly (and their details published) at jacobscreek.com/en-au/summer-drops by 11/06/24.
If there are no prize winner/s or winner/s for this Promotion cannot be found, this information will be published at
1. The entrant agrees and acknowledges that they have read these Conditions of Entry (and Schedule) and that entry into the Promotion is deemed to
be acceptance of these Conditions of Entry (and Schedule). Any capitalised terms used in these Conditions of Entry have the meaning given in the
Schedule, unless stated otherwise.
2. The Promotion commences on the Start Date and ends on the End Date ("Promotional Period"). Entries are deemed to be received at the time of
receipt by the Promoter and not at the time of transmission or deposit by the entrant. Records of the Promoter and its agencies are final and
conclusive as to the time of receipt.
3. Valid and eligible entries will be accepted during the Promotional Period.
4. Employees (and their immediate family members) of the Participating Venues, agencies/companies directly associated with the conduct of this
Promotion, the Promoter, businesses involved in determination of winner/s for the Promotion, businesses involved in the management of the Promotion,
any organisation benefiting from the Promotion, the Promoter’s distributors, suppliers, subsidiary companies/businesses and associated companies and
agencies are not eligible to enter. "Immediate family member" means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child
(whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother,
step-sister or 1st cousin.
5. Draws:
a) The draws will take place at Handling Matters, Unit 40, 1-5 Thew Parade, CROMER, Sydney NSW 2099, Australia at 12:00 pm AEDT on 09/01/24,
16/01/24, 23/01/24, 30/01/24, 06/02/24, 13/02/24, 20/02/24, 27/02/24, 05/03/24, 12/03/24, 19/03/24, 26/03/24 and 03/04/24 by computerised random
selection. Entries for the first draw open on the start date/time of the Promotional Period; and entries open for each subsequent draw as soon as the
prior draw closes. Entries for each draw close at 11.59pm AEDT the day prior to the draw. Non-winning entries in each draw will not be entered into
any subsequent draw/s.
b) The first valid entry drawn in each draw will be the winner of the draw prize specified in the Schedule above.
a) The Promoter may draw reserve winners in case of ineligible or invalid entries. If a draw is scheduled on the weekend or a public holiday, the
draw will be conducted at the same time and location on the following business day. The Promoter will ensure each draw is open for public scrutiny and
anyone may witness the draw on request. The winner of a drawn prize is determined by chance.
6. Winning Moment:
a) Winning Moments will be predetermined each day during the Promotional Period. There will be a total of 2,199 3-second ‘winning moments’
throughout the Promotional Period, with a minimum of 1 ‘winning moment’ each hour of the Promotional Period. There will be a minimum of 1 x 3-second
winning moments every hour. The first valid entry received during each ‘winning moment’, will be a provisional Winning Moment Prize winner, subject to
verification. Subject to the below, if no valid entry is received during a winning moment, no prize will be awarded in respect of that ‘winning
moment’. In addition, if a prize is not won during a ‘winning moment’ then the prize is null and void and will not be rolled over to another ‘winning
moment’ or awarded via an unclaimed prize draw. In the event that a minimum of 20 x Winning Moment Prizes have not been awarded throughout the
Promotion, any remaining Winning Moment Prizes (up to the value of $20,000) will be entered into the Unclaimed Prize Draw (outlined above).
b) Provisional winners will be notified immediately if they have won on screen upon entry form submission, subject to verification.
c) Quality control errors will not invalidate an otherwise valid prize claim.
d) Unless otherwise due to fraud or ineligibility under these Conditions of Entry, all prize claims in excess of the advertised prize pool will be
7. All reasonable attempts will be made to contact each winner.
8. If any winner chooses not to take their prize (or is unable to), or does not take or claim a prize within a reasonable time, as specified by
the Promoter, or is unavailable, they forfeit the prize and the Promoter is not obliged to substitute the prize.
9. Where entry is allowed by purchase or subscription, the cost of the product or service is no greater than the cost would be without the
opportunity to participate in the Promotion.
10. Entrants must keep their proof of purchase specified in the How to Enter section for each entry as proof of purchase ("Proof of Purchase"). If
an entrant fails to produce the Proof of Purchase for a specific entry or each entry, as and when requested by the Promoter, the Promoter has the
right to invalidate the entrant's respective entry/entries for which Proof of Purchase cannot be provided and/or all entries submitted by that entrant
and/or forfeit the entrant's right to a prize. Purchase receipt(s) must clearly specify: (a) the store of purchase as an eligible store; (b) the
required product/s or service/s to be purchased for entry; and (c) that the purchase was made during the Promotional Period and prior to entry.
11. The Promoter supports the responsible service of alcohol and encourages consumers to enjoy alcohol responsibly. Entrants will be refused service
of alcohol or provision of an alcohol beverage if it would breach any laws, codes or policies including those of the relevant liquor licensee relating
to the responsible service of alcohol. Legal aged consumers are advised to consider the safe drinking levels recommended in the National Health and
Medical Research Council Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol. A full version of these Guidelines is available at https://nhmrc.gov.au/about-us/publications/australian-guidel... Please refer to the GL4001 'Liquor promotion guidelines' and GL4003 'Intoxication
guidelines' at https://www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au/.
12. The value of the prizes is accurate and based upon the recommended retail value of the prizes (inclusive of GST) at the date of printing. The
Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of the prizes after that date.
13. No part of a prize is exchangeable, redeemable for cash or any other prize or transferable, unless otherwise specified in writing by the
14. If a prize (or portion of a prize) is unavailable the Promoter reserves the right to substitute the prize (or that portion of the prize) to a
prize of equal or greater value and specification, subject to any written directions of a regulatory authority.
15. No entry fee is charged by the Promoter to enter the Promotion. Where entry is allowed online, there is no additional cost to enter the
Promotion other than any cost paid by the entrant to access the website or social media platform of entry via their Internet service provider.
16. Each prize will be awarded to the person named in the entry and any entry that is made on behalf of an entrant or by a third party will be
invalid. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant or winner, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the
identity of the entrant or winner.
17. Entrants' personal information will be collected by the Promoter. Personal information will be stored on the Promoter's database. The Promoter
may use this information for future marketing purposes regarding its products, including contacting the entrant electronically. The Promoter is bound
by the Australian Privacy Principles in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and its privacy policy which is located at
pernod-ricard-winemakers.com/privacy-statement. The Promoter's privacy policy contains information about how the entrant may access, update and seek
correction of the personal information the Promoter holds about them and how the entrant may complain about any potential breach by the Promoter of
the Australian Privacy Principles or any other Australian privacy laws and how such complaints will be dealt with. The Promoter collects personal
information about entrants to enable them to participate in this Promotion and may disclose the entrants' personal information to third parties
including its contractors and agents, prize suppliers and service providers to assist in conducting this Promotion and to the State and Territory
lottery departments as required under the relevant lottery legislation. If the entrant does not provide their personal information as requested, they
may be ineligible to enter or claim a prize in the Promotion. Personal information collected from entrants may be disclosed to an entity located
outside of Australia. Any such entities are likely to be those disclosed in the Promoter’s privacy policy.
18. For the purposes of public statements and advertisements, the Promoter may only publish the winner's surname, initial and State/Territory or
postcode of residence.
19. It is a condition of accepting the prize that a winner may be required to sign a legal release as determined by the Promoter in its absolute
discretion, prior to receiving a prize.
20. If a prize is provided to the Promoter by a third party, the prize is subject to the terms and conditions of the third party prize supplier. The
terms and conditions which apply to the prize at the time it is issued to the winner will prevail over these Conditions of Entry in the event of any
inconsistency. To the extent permitted by law the Promoter accepts no responsibility or liability for any delay or failure by the third party to
deliver the prize, any delay or failure relating to the prize itself or failure by the third party to meet any of its obligations in these Conditions
of Entry or otherwise.
21. Any guarantee or warranty given is in addition to any relevant statutory guarantees and warranties and nothing in these Conditions of Entry
restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law including the
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
22. If for any reason any aspect of this Promotion is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of computer virus, communications
network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter
may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or modify a prize,
subject to State or Territory regulation.
23. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to validate and check the authenticity of entries and entrant's details (including an entrant's
identity, age and place of residence). In the event that a winner cannot provide suitable proof as required by the Promoter to validate their entry,
the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered. Incomplete, indecipherable, inaudible, incorrect and illegible entries,
as applicable, will at the Promoter's discretion be deemed invalid and not eligible to win. Entries containing offensive or defamatory comments, or
which breach any law or infringe any third party rights, including intellectual property rights, are not eligible to win. The use of any automated
entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an individual to automatically enter repeatedly is prohibited and may render
all entries submitted by that individual invalid.
24. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify entries in the event of non-compliance with these Conditions of Entry. In the event that there is
a dispute concerning the conduct of the Promotion or claiming a prize, the Promoter will resolve the dispute in direct consultation with the entrant.
If the dispute cannot be resolved the Promoter’s decision will be final.
25. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or
consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any
person's negligence or wilful misconduct) in connection with this Promotion or accepting or using any prize (or recommendation). For the sake of
clarity, this clause shall not apply where the Promoter has contributed to or caused such loss, expense, damage, personal injury or death and shall
not apply to any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in each case the Promoter’s liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).
26. The winner(s) will participate in and co-operate as required with all reasonable marketing and editorial activities relating to the Promotion,
including (but not limited to) being recorded, photographed, filmed or interviewed and acknowledges that the Promoter may use any such marketing and
editorial material without further reference or compensation to them.
27. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications and the entrant must seek their own independent financial advice in regards to
the tax implications relating to the prize or acceptance of the prize.
28. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of these rights.
29. A Participating Venue will not offer this Promotion as an inducement directed at encouraging patrons to gamble in line with relevant State
gambling authorities.
30. Authorised under: ACT Permit No. TP 23/02069, NSW Authority No. TP/49 and SA Permit No. T23/1598.
Aus. Residents, 18 yr+ only. Starts 09:00 am AEDT 02/01/2024. Ends 11:59pm AEDT 02/04/2024. Keep receipt(s). One (1) entry permitted per qualifying
transaction. Maximum of one (1) entry permitted per person each day. Winning Moment Prize is a $1,000.00 Vault Pays-enabled Prepaid Mastercard®,
valued at $1000. Up to 2199 Winning Moments. The Winning Moment Prize Winner(s) will be notified immediately on screen. Max 1 prize/person (excl. SA).
Draws: 12pm AEDT, 9/1/24, 16/1/24, 23/1/24, 30/1/24, 6/2/24, 13/2/24, 20/2/24, 27/2/24, 5/3/24, 12/3/24, 19/3/24, 26/3/24, 3/4/24, Unit 40, 1-5 Thew
Parade, CROMER, Sydney NSW 2099. The weekly Draw Prize is a Hosting Pack, valued at $1,617.49. The Draw Prize Winner(s) will be notified by email and
phone within 7 days of the draw. Winners published at jacobscreek.com/en-au/summer-drops by 10/4/24 (Winning Moment Prize Winners) and within 14 days
of the draw (Draw Winners). All prizes are subject to verification. Total Prize Pool, up to AUD $2,220,027.37. The Promoter’s decision is final &
no correspondence will be entered into. The Promoter is Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd (ABN 75 007 870 046) of 167 Fullarton Rd, Dulwich SA 5065 Ph:
1300 363 153. The Promoter supports the responsible service of alcohol. Full T&Cs at jacobscreek.com/en-au/summer-drops. NSW Authority Number:
TP/49. Permit Numbers: ACT TP 23/02069; SA T23/1598.
Your Personal Information is being collected by Pernod Ricard Winemakers Pty Ltd (the Promoter) for the purposes of competition entry, club
membership, customer support, consumer insights, and if relevant, product purchase and billing. With your consent, the Promoter may use your personal
information for direct marketing. If you fail to provide the Personal Information that is being requested you may not be able to enter a competition,
receive a prize, purchase products, deal with your complaint or receive marketing information (as applicable). The Promoter may also share your
Personal Information with other companies or individuals who assist us in providing products or services or who perform functions on its behalf (such
as direct marking companies, mailing houses, couriers, consultants and service providers). If the Promoter is to disclose information to an overseas
recipient it is likely to be to one of the countries identified in its Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy explains how you may access or seek
correction to Personal Information the Promoter holds and how to make a complaint and is available at http://www.pernod-ricard-winemakers.com/privacy-statement
"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .
MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~
I'm unsure of my mood right now!
“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”
"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Fear is False Evidence About Reality
Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!
If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane
Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 20-1-2024 @ 08:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by karbeg  | 2199 prizes available valued at $2,199,000 yet obviously don’t expect many to be won.
In the event that a minimum of 20 x Winning Moment Prizes have not been awarded throughout the Promotion, any remaining Winning Moment Prizes (up to
the value of $20,000) will be entered into the Unclaimed Prize Draw.
Good grief !   |
posted 20-1-2024 @ 08:50 AM
posted 20-1-2024 @ 03:39 PM
Scam winning moment.... I won't be buying, in hope that promoters stop running these scam comps |
posted 24-1-2024 @ 05:41 PM
Do you think entries roll over. Thanks. |
posted 24-1-2024 @ 07:06 PM
No |
posted 25-1-2024 @ 02:13 PM
No. As it's a 'Winning moment' comp, you only win if you entered at the predetermined moment.
It says there will be a guaranteed 20 winners. So if perhaps there were only 16 winners throughout the competition, there will be a second chance
prize draw of 4.
posted 13-4-2024 @ 09:05 PM
Any lucky winners in this comp |
posted 13-4-2024 @ 09:15 PM
WEEK 1 – R, Barber
WEEK 2 – H, Cortese
WEEK 3 – A, Libao
WEEK 4 – A, Albert
WEEK 5 – G, O’Loughlin
WEEK 6 – P, Paczkowski
WEEK 7 – K, Hardiman
WEEK 8 – R, Knight-Wsol
WEEK 9 – S, Cook
WEEK 10 – J, Jansen
WEEK 11 – B, Reinmuth
WEEK 12 – D, Jelf
WEEK 13 – R, Selva
posted 13-4-2024 @ 09:18 PM
thank you for the lists |
posted 13-4-2024 @ 09:20 PM
mind you--never saw any 'instant hourly winners' listed? (probably weren't any!) |
posted 29-5-2024 @ 01:07 PM
The hourly instant winners have now been published after I reminded them they are required to publish the winners names when over a certain value.
The instant winners names are:
C.Branson, SA
D. Vinton, WA
S. Curtis, SA
Yes, 3 winners out of possible 2,199.
This means there should be an additional 17 winners drawn on the 4th June 12pm.
Good Luck! |
posted 6-6-2024 @ 04:52 PM
I am a lucky winner of $1000 in the unclaimed prize draw. Very excited. |
posted 6-6-2024 @ 04:54 PM
Congratulations! What a nice surprise  |
posted 6-6-2024 @ 04:58 PM
Me too!!! woo hoo, first big win this year 
Congrats wenwen and other winners |
posted 6-6-2024 @ 08:02 PM
Me too yay |
posted 6-6-2024 @ 08:09 PM
Congratulations   |
posted 14-6-2024 @ 10:04 AM
Second chance prize winners now published:
P, Hu . 2136
A, Anwar . 2196
B, Hunt . 2800
D, Trickey . 3444
M, Dalton . 3911
W, Spann. 4109
C, Clarke . 4153
C, Nogaj . 5159
J, Riddle. 5250
J, Riddle. 5252
S, Riddle . 5252
S, Bateman. 5607
K, Tshedup . 6061
B, Mouk . 6064
Ca, Mitchell. 6066
J, Morgan. 6330
S, Tilbury . 7248
posted 14-6-2024 @ 10:56 AM
Congratulations all U lucky 2nd chance winners , 🎉🎉🎉🎉. |