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Woolworths/Poppin Popcorn - Win $50 Woolies gift card

posted 4-7-2024 @ 12:17 PM www
Woolworths/Poppin Popcorn - Win $50 Woolies gift card
Entry methods: Online, Purchase Req, Freq: Other, Instant Win, Prize pool: $216,000, Closes 30/07/2024


Thanks to Dreamer for finding this comp.


Poppin Popcorn Instant Win Promotion Terms & Conditions ("Conditions of Entry") Schedule
Poppin Popcorn Instant Win Promotion
Start date: 01/07/24 at 12:01 am AEST
End date: 30/07/24 at 11:59 pm AEST
Entry is only open to Australian residents who are 18 years and over.
Green’s General Foods Pty Ltd ABN 56 001 553 564, 50 Jayco Drive, Dandenong South, VIC 3175, Australia. Ph: 03 8768 8700
For any inquiries regarding this Promotion, please contact the Promoter via or on 0388255707
How to Enter:
To enter the Promotion, the entrant must complete the following steps during the Promotional Period:
a) purchase any Poppin Popcorn single serve product 85g,100g, 400g multipack or 200g Snack pack from any Woolworths supermarkets (excluding Metro stores) in Australia displaying promotional material (including
online) ("Participating Venues"); and
b) visit, follow the prompts to the Promotion entry page; and fully
complete and submit the online entry form with their personal details (first name, last name, email address, mobile number and state/territory of residence) and proof of purchase (original receipt).
The winners will be notified on screen upon entry form submission, subject to verification.
Proof of purchase: The entrant must retain proof of purchase. The proof of purchase required is an original receipt.
The entrant must fill out the online entry form for every entry.
Entries permitted:
Multiple entries permitted subject to the following:
(a) Limit one (1) entry permitted per person each day;
(b) Only one (1) entry can be submitted per transaction; and (c) Maximum four (4) entries per person.
By completing the entry method, the entrant will receive one (1) entry.
Total Prize Pool:
AUD $216,000.00
Prize Description Number of this prize Value (per prize) Winning Method
The prize is a $50 Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card. 4320 AUD$50.00 Instant Win
Prize Conditions:
All prizes will be sent via the email provided on entry upon winner verification.
Any ancillary costs associated with redeeming the gift card are not included. Any unused balance of the gift card are not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be taken as cash, unless otherwise specified. Redemption of the gift card is subject to any terms and conditions of the issuer including those specified on the gift card. Woolworths Group Ltd ABN 88 000 014 675 is the issuer of the Woolworths Supermarket eGift Card, but is not the Promoter of the offer, nor responsible for fulfilment of the offer terms. Woolworths Supermarket eGift Cards have no expiry date and are redeemable in store and online at Woolworths Supermarket stores only. For a list of participating stores and full Terms and Conditions visit
1. The entrant agrees and acknowledges that they have read these Conditions of Entry (and Schedule) and that entry into the Promotion is deemed to be acceptance of these Conditions of Entry (and Schedule). Any capitalised terms used in these Conditions of Entry have the meaning given in the Schedule, unless stated otherwise.
© 2024 Plexus Services Pty Ltd. Do not reproduce or amend without authority.

2. The Promotion commences on the Start Date and ends on the End Date ("Promotional Period"). Entries are deemed to be received at the time of receipt by the Promoter and not at the time of transmission or deposit by the entrant. Records of the Promoter and its agencies are final and conclusive as to the time of receipt.
3. Valid and eligible entries will be accepted during the Promotional Period.
4. Employees (and their immediate family members) of the Participating Venues, agencies/companies directly associated with
the conduct of this Promotion, the Promoter, businesses involved in determination of winner/s for the Promotion, businesses involved in the management of the Promotion, any organisation benefiting from the Promotion, the Promoter’s distributors, suppliers, subsidiary companies/businesses and associated companies and agencies are not eligible to enter. "Immediate family member" means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or 1st cousin.
5. Instant Win- ‘Winning Moments’:
a) Winners will be notified immediately if they have won on screen upon entry form submission, subject to verification.
b) There will be 4,320 ‘winning moments’ during the Promotional Period.
c) If a valid entry is received during a ‘winning moment’, that entrant will be declared a provisional instant prize winner,
subject to verification. If no valid entry is received during a ‘winning moment’, no prize will be awarded in respect of that
‘winning moment’. Only the first entrant to submit a valid entry during a winning moment will be eligible for the prize.
d) Quality control errors will not invalidate an otherwise valid prize claim.
e) Unless otherwise due to fraud or ineligibility under these Conditions of Entry, all prize claims in excess of the advertised
prize pool will be honoured.
f) Instant win game materials will be void if stolen, forged, mutilated or tampered with in any way.
6. All reasonable attempts will be made to contact each winner.
7. If any winner chooses not to take their prize (or is unable to), or does not take or claim a prize within a reasonable time, as
specified by the Promoter, or is unavailable, they forfeit the prize and the Promoter is not obliged to substitute the prize.
8. Where entry is allowed by purchase or subscription, the cost of the product or service is no greater than the cost would be
without the opportunity to participate in the Promotion.
9. Entrants must keep their proof of purchase specified in the ‘How to Enter’ section for each entry as proof of purchase ("Proof
of Purchase"). If an entrant fails to produce the Proof of Purchase for a specific entry or each entry, as and when requested by the Promoter, the Promoter has the right to invalidate the entrant's respective entry/entries for which Proof of Purchase cannot be provided and/or all entries submitted by that entrant and/or forfeit the entrant's right to a prize. Purchase receipt(s) must clearly specify: (a) the store of purchase as an eligible store; (b) the required product/s or service/s to be purchased for entry; and (c) that the purchase was made during the Promotional Period and prior to entry.
10. Ifaprize(orportionofaprize)isunavailablethePromoterreservestherighttosubstitutetheprize(orthatportionofthe prize) to a prize of equal or greater value and specification, subject to any written directions of a regulatory authority.
11. NoentryfeeischargedbythePromotertoenterthePromotion.Whereentryisallowedonline,thereisnoadditionalcostto enter the Promotion other than any cost paid by the entrant to access the website or social media platform of entry via their Internet service provider.
12. Eachprizewillbeawardedtothepersonnamedintheentryandanyentrythatismadeonbehalfofanentrantorbyathird party will be invalid. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant or winner, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant or winner.
13. Entrants'personalinformationwillbecollectedbythePromoter.PersonalinformationwillbestoredonthePromoter's database. The Promoter may use this information for future marketing purposes regarding its products, including contacting the entrant electronically. The Promoter will handle personal information in accordance with its privacy policy which is located at The Promoter collects personal information about entrants to enable them to participate in this Promotion and may disclose the entrants' personal information to third parties including its contractors and agents, prize suppliers and service providers to assist in conducting this Promotion and to the State and Territory lottery departments as required under the relevant lottery legislation. If the entrant does not provide their personal information as requested, they may be ineligible to enter or claim a prize in the Promotion.
© 2024 Plexus Services Pty Ltd. Do not reproduce or amend without authority.

14. ItisaconditionofacceptingtheprizethatawinnermayberequiredtosignalegalreleaseasdeterminedbythePromoterin its absolute discretion, prior to receiving a prize.
15. IfaprizeisprovidedtothePromoterbyathirdparty,theprizeissubjecttothetermsandconditionsofthethirdpartyprize supplier. The terms and conditions which apply to the prize at the time it is issued to the winner will prevail over these Conditions of Entry in the event of any inconsistency. To the extent permitted by law the Promoter accepts no responsibility or liability for any delay or failure by the third party to deliver the prize, any delay or failure relating to the prize itself or failure by the third party to meet any of its obligations in these Conditions of Entry or otherwise.
16. Anyguaranteeorwarrantygivenisinadditiontoanyrelevantstatutoryguaranteesandwarrantiesandnothinginthese Conditions of Entry restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).
17. IfforanyreasonanyaspectofthisPromotionisnotcapableofrunningasplanned,includingbyreasonofcomputervirus, communications network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or modify a prize, subject to State or Territory regulation.
18. ThePromoterreservestheright,atanytime,tovalidateandchecktheauthenticityofentriesandentrant'sdetails(including an entrant's identity, age and place of residence). In the event that a winner cannot provide suitable proof as required by the Promoter to validate their entry, the winner will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered. Incomplete, indecipherable, inaudible, incorrect and illegible entries, as applicable, will at the Promoter's discretion be deemed invalid and not eligible to win. Entries containing offensive or defamatory comments, or which breach any law or infringe any third party rights, including intellectual property rights, are not eligible to win. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an individual to automatically enter repeatedly is prohibited and may render all entries submitted by that individual invalid.
19. ThePromoterreservestherighttodisqualifyentriesintheeventofnon-compliancewiththeseConditionsofEntry.Inthe event that there is a dispute concerning the conduct of the Promotion or claiming a prize, the Promoter will resolve the dispute in direct consultation with the entrant. If the dispute cannot be resolved the Promoter’s decision will be final.
20. ThePromoteranditsassociatedagenciesandcompanieswillnotbeliableforanyloss(including,withoutlimitation,indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person's negligence or wilful misconduct) in connection with this Promotion or accepting or using any prize (or recommendation). For the sake of clarity, this clause shall not apply where the Promoter has contributed to or caused such loss, expense, damage, personal injury or death and shall not apply to any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in each case the Promoter’s liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).
21. Thewinner(s)willparticipateinandco-operateasrequiredwithallreasonablemarketingandeditorialactivitiesrelatingto the Promotion, including (but not limited to) being recorded, photographed, filmed or interviewed and acknowledges that the Promoter may use any such marketing and editorial material without further reference or compensation to them.
22. ThePromoteracceptsnoresponsibilityforanytaximplicationsandtheentrantmustseektheirownindependentfinancial advice in regards to the tax implications relating to the prize or acceptance of the prize.
23. FailurebythePromotertoenforceanyofitsrightsatanystagedoesnotconstituteawaiveroftheserights.
24. Authorisedunder:ACTPermitNo.TP24/01014,NSWAuthorityNo.TP/03518andSAPermitNo.T24/793.
© 2024 Plexus Services Pty Ltd. Do not reproduce or amend without authori
posted 4-7-2024 @ 12:29 PM www

Thank you both

Don't understand why they impose entry limits (four per person in this case) when it is a 'winning moment' to start with

Why not one or the other?
posted 4-7-2024 @ 05:51 PM www

I contacted them re the winning moment. It is 3 seconds. Another one I won’t bother with:(
posted 4-7-2024 @ 06:00 PM www

Thanks karberg. These comps are getting more prevalent. :grind: No extra sales from me. My one and only entry was a loser as expected anyway.
posted 4-7-2024 @ 10:31 PM www

Thanks for posting katley ;)
I’m getting application error when clicking on the entry link. Anyone else?

2010 wins $8722
2011 wins $9982
2012 wins $13794
2013 wins $20007
2014 wins $14976
2015 wins $6232
2016 wins $3457
2017 wins $4309
2018 wins $5825
2019 wins $6767
2020 wins $5655
2021 wins $5432
2022 wins $7238
posted 4-7-2024 @ 11:19 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by santa21  
Thanks for posting katley ;)
I’m getting application error when clicking on the entry link. Anyone else?

Same here. Link not working? Anyone able to enter?
posted 5-7-2024 @ 09:19 AM www

So link is up today but on entering & submitting it goes back to entry form?? Not sure if my entry went through :question::exclamation:

2010 wins $8722
2011 wins $9982
2012 wins $13794
2013 wins $20007
2014 wins $14976
2015 wins $6232
2016 wins $3457
2017 wins $4309
2018 wins $5825
2019 wins $6767
2020 wins $5655
2021 wins $5432
2022 wins $7238
posted 5-7-2024 @ 11:20 AM www


House mate had a win about half an hour ago they said

No provisional email so hope that it was not another glitch on their part
posted 5-7-2024 @ 04:58 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by Sands  

House mate had a win about half an hour ago they said

No provisional email so hope that it was not another glitch on their part

Same thing happening to me Santa21, so annoying, I don't know if I wasted my entry or not.

posted 5-7-2024 @ 05:42 PM www

I put in 2 entries this morning. After pressing submit. The blank entry form came back up with no confirmation of any sort? I have emailed to ask if my entries were received?
posted 5-7-2024 @ 06:10 PM www

It's a limit of one entry per day, so I am guessing not :sniffle:
posted 5-7-2024 @ 06:13 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by Sands  
It's a limit of one entry per day, so I am guessing not :sniffle:

One was hubbys entry and one was mine.
posted 5-7-2024 @ 06:25 PM www

This is so annoying, why don't promoters make sure the pages are working before the launch

posted 6-7-2024 @ 03:07 AM www

Says closed for me
posted 6-7-2024 @ 09:54 AM www

OMG it is useless as

First it says closed

Then says my mobile is not valid (was typed correctly)

Then says receipt upload required (it was)

Then says entries exceeded for today

What a joke :grind:
posted 6-7-2024 @ 04:13 PM www

When I entered it didn’t say anything just went back to the enter page, does that happen to anyone else?
posted 7-7-2024 @ 09:42 AM www

And now a warning it is not a secure website


How many issues can the one comp have?
posted 7-7-2024 @ 11:54 AM www

I have competition closed
posted 7-7-2024 @ 12:04 PM www

That's what I had yesterday morning for several hours
posted 7-7-2024 @ 04:26 PM www

thanks Sands, just entered now and my screen went blank
posted 7-7-2024 @ 04:42 PM www

Still got unsecured website here

Be nice if they could get one thing right :no:
posted 8-7-2024 @ 09:59 AM www

Still day

Have sent a message, but no doubt they will pretend it’s just me, tell me to clear cookies etc etc
posted 8-7-2024 @ 01:17 PM www

Sands, I also wrote to them this morning to advise them of difficulties and to see whether our unsuccessful attempts to enter (as we are notified if we are an instant winner or not) count towards the 4 entries permitted in the comp.

They have referred the matter to their IT team for further investigation and have asked me to send a screen shot of the error 🙄
posted 8-7-2024 @ 01:34 PM www

Thank you

I was just coming to post the same thing

No idea why screenshots are needed when several people have told them about the issues
posted 8-7-2024 @ 10:09 PM www

I entered with no worries tonight on my phone. The screen came up with a picture of a microwave and I thought it just looked like a home screen but when I clicked on the microwave a few times to 'pop' the popcorn inside it came up with the better luck next time message if that helps anyone
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