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Why isn't the posted comp showing up on lists?

posted 30-11-2024 @ 07:43 AM www
Why isn't the posted comp showing up on lists?


I'm hoping a mod or someone with more knowledge can help me....

I posted a competition just now, and then I posted another a few minutes later. The other one is showing up on the "Last 24 hours comps & posts" forum. But this one is not showing up, either on the last 24 hours list, nor in the "All comps closing on a specific date."

This is the link.

Is it because it's a Western Australia only comp?

PS. I'm going to feel like a right dill if it's because I've done something wrong with my settings! :lol:
posted 30-11-2024 @ 09:53 AM www

Didn’t show up when I did my 24hr new post check jut now
posted 30-11-2024 @ 10:52 AM www

It is showing for me :yes:
posted 30-11-2024 @ 10:54 AM www

Yes, it's because it's a WA comp and you and clover are both from NSW.

If you register your state on your profile, then comps only open to other states will not show up on your lists. You marked this new comp as WA only, so it will only show up for members who either have WA as their state on their profile or have no state listed at all.
Hope that helps.
Quote: Originally posted by tiggerlover  

Is it because it's a Western Australia only comp?
posted 30-11-2024 @ 10:55 AM www

And that's because your profile lists WA as your location. :)
Quote: Originally posted by Shamrock59  
It is showing for me :yes:
posted 30-11-2024 @ 11:47 AM www

Thanks Smiley! That is the correct answer. 👍

"Exclude competitions not open to your state from most Premium reports by updating your state Location in your profile." is displayed on most pages when you don't have your state in your profile.

Advantage of having your state in your profile means comps that are not open to the state you live in won't be displayed in most Premium reports, saving you time.
posted 30-11-2024 @ 12:54 PM www

Thanks Smiley and Andrew!

I'm happy with things working that way. I just wanted to be sure that I hadn't made a mistake when posting the comp.

Good luck to the Western Australians who enter! I'd love to win a trolley dash - such fun!
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