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Your Life Support Thread |
posted 20-5-2006 @ 09:53 AM
yay myeesera, keep going, you've had such a tough week, so if you managed to stay off them through all that, then you've got it cracked! You will
think of it less and less as time goes on. Stick with it. |
posted 21-5-2006 @ 10:57 AM
yay one week down, only the rest of my life to go,.....
so far so good though
dreamsrfree hope your doing ok, keep your chin up ok,
Yippee, hows the diet, havent been able to catch up with you in NO, so just to let you know that I am supporting you in your quest, cheers Jackie |
posted 21-5-2006 @ 04:49 PM
You are so right it is pyschological - harping and knowledge of sickness etc ..good on ya Jackie  |
posted 21-5-2006 @ 08:44 PM
Well done Myeesera. You must be so proud of yourself
It will get a lot easier now. |
posted 26-5-2006 @ 11:09 PM
Well done myeesera, how are feeling since no more ciggys?
posted 26-5-2006 @ 11:27 PM
She has started imagining things .... I'm getting worried about her, she also
falls asleep at the computer 'mid sentence' but that could be her age.
posted 26-5-2006 @ 11:29 PM
Hey lovelies.. well i'll be joining you soon. 31st May is my quit day...
I was wondering if anyone out there has ever used one of those subliminal messages CD's to stop smoking and did it work???
Best of luck to everyone.. |
posted 26-5-2006 @ 11:34 PM
Good on you AngelInBound...
Not long now till the start of a new you.... All the best and please pop in and let us know how you are doing.
posted 26-5-2006 @ 11:40 PM
Wishing you all the best with giving up smoking Angel, will be here to support you through it as well
posted 26-5-2006 @ 11:58 PM
Hypnotherapy is a great aid to quitting smoking or altering eating patterns. Very effective. I have practiced as a hypnotherapist in the past and
found my patients have achieved much success. |
posted 27-5-2006 @ 12:09 AM
Is there any age restrictions with Hypnotherapy ?
posted 27-5-2006 @ 01:41 AM
My big win today is I'm finished my 2 weeks of daily burn treatments with no infections whatsoever. YAH!!! Last week I had the skin cut off so it was a little tender for a few days but otherwise okay. I can't rub
anything into it at the moment to reduce scaring as it is being held together with surgical tape for another 2 weeks until the skin has grown back. It
feels like a book cover stuck to your leg lol. But it's all good!   |
posted 27-5-2006 @ 01:46 AM
Sounds very painfull dreamsrfree, I hope that it gets better soon
posted 27-5-2006 @ 12:55 PM
dreams free it sounds very painfull but it sounds like its healing really well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope this horrible ordeal is over for you soon!!!!!!!!!
great work myeesera 
go angel you can do it !!!!!!!!!!
and my memory has gone on holidays again so good luck to anyone else, sorry, but you have my support     
what a great thread thanks wp   |
posted 31-5-2006 @ 10:25 PM
hmm I havent visited for a week or so, and I am pleased to report that I am still going strong, as Today is World NO Tobacco day, and for the first
time I actually had no tobacco!!!
Angelinbound, good luck, alls I can say, is that this time I finally have had no real worries, as I have posted before, I think that before when I
have tried to give up, it has been because someone has continually harped at me, and I have looked for the weakest excuse to start smoking again (and
usually found one), this time, It was my decision, from the minute I made it, to the actual giving up day, and now as each day goes on, I get stronger
and stronger, and Prouder of myself!! I think it is important for you to be PROUD of your achievements.
Dont get me wrong it hasnt been all easy, the first week was the hardest, and everywhere I went people smoked, and I still do get a craving,
paticulalry when I want a coffee,
Anyway good luck with it all, remember be proud of your 'little' achievements, oh and the other thing is sleep, I have beeng getting lots and lots and
lots of sleep (it is well documented in night owls) but this two is my bodies way of coping, I reckon. cos I used to sit on my computer late at night
smoking and drinking coffee, now I just dont spend as much time on the computer,
Dreams sounds really painful, and I hope things are looking up for you soon,
WP, I love this thread, I appreciate all the support that everyone has given me, and anyone else that needs it, this thread and nightowls is I think
one of the reasons why I have found things quite easy going this time. so thank you |
posted 31-5-2006 @ 11:17 PM
Your very welcome myeesera, great news that you havent picked up a ciggy during the late night chats,and will be here to give you continued support
and anyone else as well.
Hope your going well to Angel, todays the day to butt that last ciggy out.
posted 3-6-2006 @ 06:20 PM
angelinbound, was wondering how things are going with you,
and also everyone else, who needs a little support,
nearly three weeks, smoke free, it has gone so fast, still waiting for the benefit in my bank account, except I think I may have picked up a new
addiction - ebay as a buyer rather than a seller..
oh well I guess its healthier for me physically..
wishing all those attempting anything the best of luck.. |
posted 3-6-2006 @ 06:24 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by myeesera
yay one week down, only the rest of my life to go,.....
so far so good though
dreamsrfree hope your doing ok, keep your chin up ok,
Yippee, hows the diet, havent been able to catch up with you in NO, so just to let you know that I am supporting you in your quest, cheers Jackie
posted 3-6-2006 @ 06:36 PM
dreamsrfree hope your doing ok, keep your chin up ok,
Thank you..I've finished my treatments now, thank goodness. I've removed the book cover they stuck on my leg a week early so I could get some pure
vitamin E into the scar. It's big but I can live it and any improvements are a bonus. It could have been so much worse so I am counting my blessings.
Congrads for giving up smoking It must get easier from now on |
posted 3-6-2006 @ 07:28 PM
myseera - I'm so happy for you - as you said someone "harping"does especially for me gets a you 'cant tell me wat to do' response and makes me 'feel
like a schoolgirl - ie just get sneakier' my committment to cutting down - after a major lapse -has just been renewed - cause as you said was
'excuse" pathetic. Reward yourself when you see monetary benefit my smoke are $14 a pop..
dreamsfree - yea vitamin e good or aloe vera
yippeee - lost weight but smokes crept up - have to find a way round that. |
posted 5-7-2006 @ 05:35 PM
Hi Myseera - how are you doing these days? Hope all is well. |
posted 5-7-2006 @ 08:27 PM
sorry..WP...just found your question tonight about age restrictions on hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is not recommended for children (under 16),people suffering psychotic illnesses or people who have a developmental disability.  |
posted 5-7-2006 @ 11:47 PM
HI Zammit,
thanks for asking, I was pleased to see this thread pop up, well the no smoking is going really well, I still havent had one, and it is over seven
weeks now.
My sense of smell has improved and I can smell a smoker a mile away, one of the guys from work walks past and I just think OH MY GOD did I smell that
Still havent noticed the monetary difference, but I seem to have a lot more clothes for some reason (lol ebay)
How are you going angel in bound did you stick to it?
hope everyone else is doing ok, please drop in and let us know how things are going, |
posted 5-7-2006 @ 11:57 PM
Quote: | Originally posted by CompDiva
sorry..WP...just found your question tonight about age restrictions on hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy is not recommended for children (under 16),people suffering psychotic illnesses or people who have a developmental disability. |
Thank-you for your reply CompDiva, I forgot about this thread.
posted 13-8-2006 @ 02:18 AM
Hi Just thought I would drop by this life support thread.
and give a little update.
but also bring it to the attention of any newbies, that might need some support for whatever reason.
My non smoking is going well, still, as most of you know I gave up on Mothers day. cold turkey, no patches, hypnotism etc. It is still going really
well, and I still havent had a smoke. in fact I am even having the odd day now where I dont even think about them.
I find the smell of smoke on other people really offensive and absolutly cringe when smokers are in close proximity to me, I hate the fact that I used
to probably smell as bad or worse ... so much for my lovely expensive perfume that I wore for all those years. no one would have been able to smell
I reckon I am probably at the stage that I could call myself a reformed smoker.. lol or maybe I am being
hope all is well for those others that need some support, would love to hear from angel, and dreams to see how things are going. and yippee, any day I
hear from you si a good hows that holiday planning coming along. |
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