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Your Life Support Thread

posted 24-12-2006 @ 12:04 AM www

That's amazing you should be so proud of yourself :P Your children will look up to you with much admiration.well done:P:P:P
posted 24-12-2006 @ 12:46 AM www

Feeling a little 'put down'....went to a pre-xmas lunch and caught up with partner's family yesterday after not seeing them since last Xmas.
Told partner's sister about lottos and how much time I spend entering comps and that I usually have 3 sessions on the internet per day etc.
she told me 'To Get a Life!'
Well my bubble burst....I felf deflated (pun intended)... this was yesterday (saturday).
Later on in the afternoon I told other family members who were quite impressed...especially when I told them that I have won almost $8,000 in prizes this year and that I'm a consistent seller on eBay.
I'm having the 'time of my life' and someone always has to be a spoil-sport.
Anyway...have a lovely Xmas everyone.
p.s. I have to go on a diet soon.....put on a few kilos already...and xmas isn't over yet.......:P
posted 24-12-2006 @ 12:55 AM www

Frunue, dont let people get you down, especially at this time of the year, as for the one who said 'get a life', Maybe you should tell her about the life many lottoers lead, such as overseas holidays, cars and plasma screens, not to mention the inumerable movie tickets that go out saving them many 100s of dollars per year...

I think 8000 in a year is pretty damn impressive.

Good luck for 2007 may that 8000 turn into 20,000 and have a great christmas and look forward to the NEW YEAR
posted 24-12-2006 @ 12:57 AM www

thanks myeesera...I knew I could rely on lottoers to make me feel better......:P
posted 24-12-2006 @ 01:06 AM www

Frunue that big win is around the corner just make sure you rub it in.:P:P:P If you're having fun that's a life, winning is just a bonus!;)
posted 24-12-2006 @ 09:47 AM www

how good are you:):):):):):)
i am still smoke free !!!!!!!
HOW did you lose weight i have put on 2 dress sizes since giving up smoking!!!
frunue our lotto's family s##ts all over the real world;);););););););)
it's nice and safe hear with lots of friends that will support you:):):):):):):):):)
and god help anyone that tries to be rude to one of us;);););););););););););)
AND to all others luv ya guys:):):):):):):)
see you next year !!!!
posted 1-1-2007 @ 08:27 PM www

frunue what ever you do in life that doesn't purposely hurt anybody is great. No one thing is better, it is just different. People are different and therefore you would expect that everyone would have different interests. I reckon that some one that has said 'get a life' aren't happy with what they are doing themselves and I would discount any judgemental opinions of this kind. Only you can make yourself happy and if doing this is what makes you happy, kudos to you. Most people don't find a passion that keeps them happy, so you are better off by far. And I would suggest that you don't measure your fun/passion by the amount that you win but rather the passion, the challenge, the stimulation etc that you get out of entering the competitions. Those 25 words or less comps are such a challenge. These type of comps have such much going for them because the stimulate your creativity. The benefits from comping are far reaching. Enjoy !:)
posted 1-1-2007 @ 08:31 PM www

myeesera your boxer is gorgeous. I had one and I loved it Each time I see a boxer, I always think of my beloved boxer that I had for nearly 13 years.
posted 31-1-2007 @ 02:45 PM www

Hi all - well I'm on week three and have lost 5kg and not smoked in 21 days!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!:P:P

Hope y'all are going well.;)
posted 31-1-2007 @ 07:01 PM www

Originally posted by tarzwal
myeesera your boxer is gorgeous. I had one and I loved it Each time I see a boxer, I always think of my beloved boxer that I had for nearly 13 years.

Thank you Tarzwal, she is gorgeous lol I have to agree, her name is Keely and she is just 12 months old now, so much fun and always up for a game, Toby my son just adores her. and Jasper the hairy white one is theold man of the family he is our protector, whereas Keely would practically open the door and say here you can take what you want lets just have a game first, Jasper says, OI, back off buddy.. lol
They are both very precious and much loved family members,

Kakadu... WELL DONE... you should be so proud of yourself, keep going it only gets easier trust me,!!! and there is nothing like walking and swimming to get that weight off. ...
and the smoking thing will only get easier... trust me I know.. anyway well done, and keep going... your doing fantastic...:cool:
posted 1-4-2008 @ 05:59 PM www

I forgot this thread was still here,wondering how some of the members that posted in here are going?

posted 1-4-2008 @ 06:16 PM www

well as a lot know i started smoking when i lost my son, But due to my younger boy i stopped again on the 1st of march !!!!!
& i'm happy to say have NOT smoked since :):):):):):):):):):)still find it VERY VERY HARD sometimes, but i'm sticking with DON'T LIGHT THAT FIRST SMOKE OR TAKE EVEN 1 DRAG !!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted 5-12-2008 @ 09:19 AM www
Live for your Kids!

I'm 42 and my friend , only 41 died last week of lung cancer.
I looked after 24/7 untill she died.
She left 3 beautiful boys behind.
This week another bestfriend 43yrs was diagnosed with lung cancer and is very ill.
She is leaving behind 3 beautiful children.
it scares the crap out of me!:(
I pray for you in Jesus name that giving up will be easy for you and successful :D
Love Leoni
PS.She died last night,just found out and her kids dont know yet...:(
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