posted 7-6-2006 @ 02:09 PM
General Guidelines
The following may seem long and dull, but if you are posting comps incorrectly on a continual basis it will be noticed and you will have grumpy mods
on your hands lol 
So please, for the benefit of everyone on Lottos and for the sanity of our partners who have to deal with the amount of time we spend on the computer
away from them, please read the following in it's entirety...
Always do a search on the forum first to ensure you are not posting a duplicate competition.
There are three ways of checking and you should check ALL three ways, every time:
* Use Premium reports and look at the close date of the new competition compared to the listings.
* Search using the search link and use a keyword like Edgells, Kmart etc. (do not include an apostrophe in your search terms. For example, type in
Thats Life NOT That's Life.) Do more than one search this way in case of varied keyword options (eg: My Movies and
* Search on the permit number as it hopefully will be listed eg. TP04/0202
* Children's and State specific comps should be posted in the most appropriate areas for each comp, not in the old sections of Children's or Aust.
* Store based or product based in the store section.
* Web based in web section (If comp is store based and is also online then can be in store section).
* Phone/SMS comps are those which are solely entered this way such as TV show comps.
* Magazine sourced comps go in the magazine section (unless it is a product comp which just happens to be advertised in mag, then put it in the store
* Periodic Web Comps - Generally, if the comp is ongoing and the prize is the same each week/month/quarter, it belongs in the periodic area, even if
it does state a close date. But, if the prize changes and it has a close date then it can go in the web comps with close date section, even though it
is ongoing.
* If you do not have full details of a competition it should be listed in the "So New" Section.
If you make a new post in the 'So New not all details known' forum area you are not due the 2 days premium reward, but if you later know all the
details and you made the 1st post about the comp in the So New section, you can copy it, make it as a new post in the correct competition area, then
go back to the So New area, Edit that post and then Delete it and then you will be Rewarded! We will give you seven days to get the full competition
details - then it's open for all members to post the full comp!
Please list Store/Magazine/Website Name, Product, and Prize information in the subject line. Please also list the following in the title of the post
to ensure easy use of the forum for all:
* Early Close (only if prior to midnight) - for example, list as: Closes 5pm
* Subscription Req.
* Mastercard holders only (for example)
* Membership Req - list as: MR(free) or MR(pay)
When posting a new competition you have the option of selecting specifics for that comp in a couple of ways.
There are No and Yes options to be selected for WOL, Purchase, Instant
Win and Children’s only comps. The default on these options is no, so please change them to yes if the comp you are posting
has these requirements.
Please only mark a competition as a Kid’s comp if it is pecifically stated that it is only open to certain ages (eg:
under 18 or under 12).
State information for comps is selected through a scroll menu. There is one listed for Eligible states and one for Excluded states.
To select a state in either menu, click on the state you require. To select more than one state, hold your Ctrl button down while
you click on additional states. To remove any state name from the list, again hold down your Ctrl button while you click on the
state name a second time. The state options should only be used when a competition specifically states that only certain states can or cannot enter.
Entry methods are also selectable through a scroll menu. Again, select or unselect multiple options while holding down
The entry method options include:
* W = Web
* E = Email
* M = Mail
* S = SMS
* P = Phone
* C = Coupon
* B = In-Store/Barrel
* F = Fax
Frequency options are available in a drop down menu. You can only select one option. If the competition has a frequency of entry
available that does not conform to one of the options available to select, please select Other, and then list the frequency in the body of the post.
Please ensure that you do select an option as the default option is Once Only and is quite misleading if not altered.
The frequency options include:
* Once Only
* 1 Entry/Household
* Daily
* 24 Hourly
* Week Days
* Weekly
* Monthly
* Unlimited
* Other
Please post comps that come from the same website/magazine/newspaper/etc and that close on the same day together in the one post.
If there are differences between the comps that information can be put in the subject line. For example: "Marie Claire, July Issue, 2 comps, one
needs coupon; one is WOL".
If the competition you are posting has an online entry available or the terms & conditions listed online, then please post the full url (ie:
include the http://) in the appropriate boxes available. These urls will then be accessible near the Comp Tracker options,
regardless of whether you have opened the post or not. Please post the competition urls in the input boxes
provided, and not in the body of the post.
* Please enter close date from drop down menus. If close date is not known you can enter the end of the current month, or if near end of month, enter
the end of next month. If the competition is an ongoing web comp it may need to be listed in the "web comps periodic" section.
* Enter the total prize pool for the comp(s) without commas or stops, ie. 10,000.00 should be typed 10000 (ignore cents). If you do not know the prize pool amount please enter 0.
* The results date is the date the results are printed in The Australian. This is the date for results printed soon after the draw, not the results
that sometimes are printed many months later as a result of a second drawing.
* If the post is long or contains multiple competitions it is perfectly fine to put up a post with the competition details in the subject line with "I
am currently typing this up" or "In a sec" or "Updating" or “Coming Soon” in the body of the post. This is to prevent doing the post only to find it
already on the forum because someone else was also working on the same comp at the same time. This can only be done "one at a time" and must be
completed in a reasonable time (a number of minutes, not hours).
* Terms and Conditions are occasionally marked as COPYRIGHT and cannot be included. Currently the following companies have their T&C's marked
"copyright". In this case please do not post them, just put a link to the t&cs in the url box option.
- ACP Magazines
- Channel Nine
- Channel Seven
- Time Magazines
- Zoo Weekly
* When competition info or T&C's are on a website as an 'image' and are not able to be copied by highlighting the text and pressing Control C,
they can be copied into your post by the following steps:
1) Right click on an image and select "Properties".
2) Then highlight the information next to "Address URL:"
3) Then right click and select "Copy" (or just press "Ctrl" and "C").
4) Then press the button in your post and add in the url you have copied by right clicking and selecting "Paste" (or pressing "Ctrl" and "V").
Some extra tips:
* It is not necessary to have / in subject lines to separate words. Commas, full stops, hyphens or spaces are fine.
* If for any reason you post a web site address (url) in the message body of a post, do not embed the url within a hyperlink such as 'click here' -
just include the full url !
* Please list permit numbers - these are usually the last item in the competition terms and conditions and should be posted in the body of the post
* It is a good idea to put your competition information into a word document first before beginning your competition post and then copying it over
into the body of the post.
Premium Rewards Information:
If the procedure for posting comps is abused/not adhered to in an ongoing manner, it will likely result in some members
being asked to no longer post comps.