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Have you ever bought anything you don't need just for the competition??

posted 7-11-2003 @ 12:24 AM www
Just brought..................................

dog food, cat food, and pistachios ( dog, no cat, and no need pistachios !)
posted 7-11-2003 @ 02:22 PM www

Yes I know what you mean Polarbird. I don't have either of the pets and I hate pistachios but still bought stuff for each comp. Figured I could give the pet food away and I am sure I can find someone who likes this type of nut.
posted 13-11-2003 @ 05:07 PM www

Lately i've been buying my dog schmackos so I can enter in a comp to win $15 000 cash...she doesn't seem to mind one little bit though :P

If I take her with me for a walk down the shops, if we go to the supermarket, she expects them! She looks up at me and tries to ransack the shopping bag for them!
posted 13-11-2003 @ 05:34 PM www

Triple Smoked Ham
posted 16-11-2003 @ 10:46 AM www

I was on the "lite and Easy" diet few month ago, But i bought a lot of food ( chocolate, yogurt ects..) to entre competitions.
Anyway, I eated them afterall, as i don't need to lose weight and i only joined Lite and Easy to enter the competition.

I also bought schmackos and dog food, But my dog(chihuahua) don't eat dog food and schmackos, so i have to give them to my friends.
Cat food competitions are great, cos both my cat and dog can eat them, and they love to change brands every once in a while.
posted 16-11-2003 @ 01:05 PM www

PolarBird and Marghambly
I know you have probably read the current issue of ... super food ideas .... but ... I'd read your posts and when I came across this recipe I couldn't help but think of both of you ... Chocolate Pistachio Fudge ... ;) Maybe you could make up gift baskets of it for xmas ... just an idea ;) Have a Good week All :D:D:D
posted 18-11-2003 @ 12:50 PM www

I have got my hubby into comping too.. but..................... he picks up and buys what he thinks are for new comps but they are closed comps GRRR lol.. well least he is trying.. have told him to read it from now on lol
posted 27-11-2003 @ 02:57 PM www
Re; buying the Pistachio nuts

I just found out that they have 49 g fat / 100g nuts . My wife has therefore just found out why I was a bit cuddlier in 2w flat !!, PB
posted 27-11-2003 @ 03:03 PM www

Originally posted by Wenchy
PolarBird and Marghambly
I know you have probably read the current issue of ... super food ideas .... but ... I'd read your posts and when I came across this recipe I couldn't help but think of both of you ... Chocolate Pistachio Fudge ... ;) Maybe you could make up gift baskets of it for xmas ... just an idea ;) Have a Good week All :D:D:D

Yum thanks Wenchy
posted 4-1-2004 @ 03:19 PM www

I bought some diet coke for an IGA comp, which I won $500 in vouchers, mind you.... I hate this stuff....but was worth it...
Really enjoying the pepsi max LOTR comp, we really love this at home..
posted 4-1-2004 @ 03:32 PM www

I'm about to go buy some Kantong's to go enter the red lantern comp. Not sure what we'll do with it because the children hate rice and every stir fry I've ever made.
posted 4-1-2004 @ 06:30 PM www

I haven't really bought stuff I wouldnt use but comps have led me to try a new/different product. Which is ok- i get to try something new and (potentially) tasty AND I get to enter comps!
posted 4-1-2004 @ 09:46 PM www

Thinking back over the last year, the ONLY new product I bought that DIDN'T have a comp on it was miniature Cornettos....yum! Our diet is based on comping foods!
posted 5-1-2004 @ 06:32 AM www
Golden Cob Promotion!

I recently bought two packets of Birdseed for my friends feathered pets so I could enter to win the $10,000. Left them along with a note at her front door.

posted 5-1-2004 @ 02:47 PM www

I bought a Covergirl Pearls colours lipstick to win a years supply of makeup and a pearl necklace. The only problem was it was quite expensive and the colours in the new series didnt really suit me. At least the product says what it does! It's a 10 hour colour stay and I could not get the stuff off! After trying the testers my hands looked dreadful for days!

I mustn't get distracted. Hmm, distracted, that's a funny word. I wonder if someone can get tracted?
posted 17-1-2004 @ 05:59 PM www

i will buy just about anything but as long as there are for example prizes with say 100 buy $50 $100 vouchers to be won like bilo clean up and win i won about 4 of them
posted 7-5-2004 @ 04:00 PM www

We have no pets but have bought dog food for a comp. Ended up giving it to a friend as hubby said he didnt think it would be right putting dog food in the local church canned food drive bag. I dont know why? I wasnt expect people to eat it themselves!
posted 7-5-2004 @ 10:18 PM www

I've just bought People magazine to enter the $10,000 scratch and win - and have found that there are crosswords that I can enter to win cash too.

Pity about the girls plastered around in the mag though ......... not my cup of tea!!!
posted 8-5-2004 @ 01:13 PM www

Originally posted by dbz
I've just bought People magazine to enter the $10,000 scratch and win - and have found that there are crosswords that I can enter to win cash too.

Pity about the girls plastered around in the mag though ......... not my cup of tea!!!

Yeah know what you mean dbz. Thats why I am so thankful that others post the comps here in the forum as I would not buy magazines like people or Ralph or any of those things myself on moral grounds. But if the prizes are (normal) then I will enter the ones that are posted and very grateful to those who do them.
posted 17-7-2004 @ 04:47 PM www

Hamper tinned corned beef for the current holiday comp.

The cats won't eat it and hubby says he won't eat it if the cats won't. :P
posted 27-8-2004 @ 04:06 PM www

yep and oh so many times.
....but then I either forgot to enter the comp, or didn't enter because I dinn'th think I'd win.
in the same way that I always say that I can't wait to win Tattslotto, but I never play.

Go figure... me thinks there's something loose upstairs.
posted 14-9-2004 @ 05:17 PM www

this gave me a good long laugh.....

yeah well i bought (recently) white sugar for the CSR comp, anyway, hubby first went and bought wrong sugar, so i went again and got correct sugar, so now we have wait for it
6kg of white sugar....
man i better be cooking something. :) but its cheap so it doesn't matter.

got lipton tea. lots of it.

got lots of shrek chocolate yogo stuff for the gameboy comp for my little nephew who is always begging for me to win him one. but he eats it. so its not a complete waste. but my shopping consitst of 10 necessaties and 25 entry barcode necessaties...
posted 14-9-2004 @ 05:31 PM www

I really wanted to enter the Woolies Blackmore comp (I need new bedding) so I was searcing for the cheapest vitamins and found 'folate for pregnancy'.

Good until 2007 so I might still get to use it :D (Don't tell hubby :P )
posted 14-9-2004 @ 05:58 PM www

I bought CSR sugar last week, and emptied it into a plastic bag!

I have tea bags overflowing the cupboards, and we don't drink tea.

But I RESISTED the Clearasil for Men at $9 today!
posted 14-9-2004 @ 06:13 PM www

I think I have 60 boxes of Kleenex now......At least they don't have a used by date and I'll use them in the next 12 months...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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